48th blog post!

the number 48

This is my 48th blog post.  Should I wait for another two more to celebrate a 50th post? How does that make a 48th post irrelevant or ineligible for a celebration? Let me end the fascination about the fiftieths and hundredths here. Why not celebrate when I feel like? Does the number matter really????

 Every birthday we celebrate in some way or the other. Celebrating a 50th or a 75th makes it artificial is n’t it? One plans for it, craves for it and tries the best to make it look special. A lot of effort goes in to it. Some birthdays would have passed by without any planning and not being the so-called 50th or 100th but would have given a very special feeling and beautiful moments. Can a planned celebration override that???

 This is my 48th post. I feel special about this. Hip… hip… Hurray!!!!!!!!!!


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